Saturday 6 November 2010

American Wigeon in Wheldrake

Alright, very predictable title! Made the trudge down to Swantail hide on a glorious morning to try for the Duck, or rather Drake! Quite a few down there including Russell Slack (hadn't seen him for quite a while) who informed me the bird wasn't showing. After a chat I trundled on down to Swantail and set up shop. I was joined by a couple of fellow searchers and in no time at all the chap to my right found it! We all enjoyed crystal clear sunshine views...thanks pal. Guess I went down at the right time...there are quite a few Wigeon present!

The fall out from the Twitching programme continues. Time to move on I feel, enjoy the birds and make your own decisions.

Shrike or RLB's tomorrow...not decided yet.

No comments, but getting a healthy number of hits. Thanks to all taking the trouble...

Late result - Just seen this...great news for Sea Eagles

Extra time - Reservoir Cats Interview

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