Friday 29 April 2011

Algaida Wetlands continued...

The aim of my brief highlights is that you won't get too bored! After my wonderful time with the raptors we continued on to Site 6 of the Gos' guide. We were now on the banks of the River Guadalquivir directly across from the Coto Donana. I set up the 'scope and scanned the pools. Nothing dramatic at first glance. I then noticed a couple of ducks in the shade at distance under a bush.

I was sure they were MARBLED DUCKS but wanted better views. After a while they decided to reveal themselves by swimming out onto the open water...BRILLIANT! However, they then rapidly departed before a decent photo could be obtained. I walked alond the road and birded the area for a while. When I returned to the car I had a last look and saw this...

Then eventually this poser...

An excellent day...

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